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Results for 'Schizophrenia Paranoid Disorder Medication'

Aripiprazole - Worsening of positive symptoms in psychosis/schizophrenia?

After starting Aripiprazole I had the experience that the positive symptoms became worse but the negative symptoms better. The side effects profil is... read more

Help with auditory hallucinations?

I have bipolar and ptsd, and i have severe auditory hallucinations. I take risperidone and it used to help but it’s no longer working. What... read more

Abilify - Do these meds work? I am at a loss?

Anyone take Abilify, Lamictal & Wellbutrin for BPD, PTSD, major depressive disorder and anxiety? I'm currently on Wellbutrin &... read more

Quetiapine - What if I stop taking Seroquel?

How fast do you lose weight after stopping Zyprexa?

I was taking Zyprexa for 6 months and gained a lot of weight. I’m now stopping the medication safely with a psychiatrist and I was... read more

How the heck do I get off Klonapin after 20 yrs?

I was put on klonapin 20 yrs ago because of panic attacks and severe anxiety. I couldn't leave my home and if I did I never walked with my head... read more

Does anyone else experience emotional numbness from medication invega/paliperidone???

I've been recently prescribed the medication Invega which is an antipsychotic that helps with my psychosis/schizophrenia. I have... read more

Does anyone take olanzapine in the morning?

I take it at night and I really haven’t noticed a difference in my paranoia and anxiety. I have Bipolar and BPD. My anger hasn’t lessened... read more

Latuda: to take or not to take?

My psych prescribed Latuda yesterday, to help me with my moods. I don't have an official diagnosis like schizophrenia or bipolar... read more

Why should you take aripiprazole in the morning?

Can the morning after pill make my breasts sore?

So i took the morning after pill about 4 days ago, and my breast have been really really sore today. I still haven't gotten my period either. I... read more

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